Sophia is goin' on to 2nd grade!! Yea!!! I couldn't be happier for her! Let me give you a little backround for this post. Last summer when we moved back to California Sophia entered 1st grade. I had no idea how far behind she was going to be(my bad). When Sophia brought home her first spelling test, I didn't even know what she had written. It was chicken scratch, you could not even read what she had written if you wanted to. Her teacher(who I adore) called me and told me that A LOT needed to happen if she was going to be ready for 2nd grade(telling me that she could very well be doing 1st grade again). I was heartbroken for her. I felt like I had completely dropped the ball with her and I felt terrible. Her teacher had mentioned the word "intervention" and I almost started crying right there in the classroom sitting in those little chairs. Have I mentioned that I felt awful? Well, I went home and sat down with Sophia and told her what was happening. She was ready for the challenge! From that day on, this girl has been working so hard to improve! Monday through Friday we sit together at our kitchen table and do a lot of work. We do 4 pages from her packet, her 4 spelling sentences for the week, and her reading. She has done them every day for the past 9 months! When she first started reading she was at a LEVEL 1. Her teacher told me she needed to be at a LEVEL 18 to be able to move on to 2nd grade. I thought it was hopeless and that my little girl was going to do 1st grade again while all her friends went on to 2nd. Well, these last 9 months have been incredible! AND guess what LEVEL book she brought home today from school?? Any guesses?
Sophia recieved a special award from her teacher this year-MOST IMPROVED! It fits her perfectly and I could not be more proud! I LOVE YOU SWEET SOPHIA!