Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Sophia's Funny Jokes

So, a few nights ago while I was snuggling Sophia and putting her to bed she was really excited about telling me a few jokes she had heard that day.

Sophia: What did one post-it note say to the other post-it note?

Me: I'm not sure honey, what did they say?

Sophia: I'll keep you posted!!

Ending with genuine Sophia laughter! Love it! But it didn't end there, she had more.

Sophia: Why did the horse cross the road?

Me: I don't know, why did the horse cross the road?

Sophia: To get to the Neighhhhhbors!

Again, Sophia cracks up laughing! But wait, she still had one more joke.

Sophia: Why did the Cow cross the road?

Me: I don't know, why did the cow cross the road?

Sophia: To get to the Mooooovie's!

I then had to tell her it was time for bed. I told her she could tell me more tomorrow. That seemed to soothe her enough to go to bed! She makes me laugh so much! She is such an adorable little girl. I'm lucky to be her Mom!