Rodger called today, said he was showing our blog to some co-workers. He said "you might want to post something about Macey because I had to scroll way down to even find a picture of her!" I can't believe that and it made me so sad for her. I haven't been good at blogging lately anyway but to blog about 1 child more than another, I need to do better! This is actually the perfect time to highlight Macey because she had a birthday! A few weeks ago she turned a big 6 years old! I can hardly believe it!
We had cupcakes instead of a regular cake, it makes it so much easier when you have friends over. It eliminates forks and plates, always looking for a short cut! Or does that make me cheap? Oh well, she didn't mind, she actually loved it!
We always start the day off with Breakfast In Bed. The girls love it and Macey was no exception! They always feel so special!
We opened up family presents after breakfast, this way my girls are not asking all day if they can open their presents. We get it over with in the morning and they have all day to play with their new things!
Macey got a new jump rope. She has found such a LOVE for jump roping, and she is really good at it. I really want to look into finding a group where she can improve her skills. She would absolutely be thrilled about it! Someday soon hopefully!
She has also really enjoyed reading, especially Junie B. Jones books. We read them every night before bed and she can't get enough of them. I am so glad that she is enjoying learning to read and loves it when we read together-priceless.
OK, her third favorite thing in the whole world, except for jump rope and Junie B. Jones is CANDYLAND! Oh, how this girl loves some Candyland. Well, while I was working at a little shop I found this Candyland DVD game. Could life get any better? Not in Macey's world! She was thrilled! She was very easy to shop for this year and she enjoyed her gifts so much, she uses them everyday!
So for her party we invited a few friends over for her party. We had a jump rope activity where everyone got a little jump rope and jumped up and down our yard. i think the kids enjoyed it, but not as much as Macey, I swear, look at that cute face! She was in heaven!
We also had a little coloring sheet that the kids colored. They really enjoyed it and took some great time and care in their pictures!
We had a bubble blowing contest! We gave each child some bubbles and had them try to blow a big bubble! The highlight for me was to watch the children smile and chase each other's bubble's around the yard. There was one little boy, Camden, who just smiled and really enjoyed himself. It was really cute!
Then came time to blow out her candles. She did such a great job posing for me, while I took too many pictures! I love this face, it says" Mom, take the picture so I can finally blow my candles out! Hurry up!"
Priceless-I sure LOVE this girl!
Then came time to open her presents from her friends. She had so much fun and got plenty of arts and crafts stuff, which she loves, and a few Barbies! She did really well, thanked all of her friends and shared her candy with them, which is a big deal for her! I think she had a great party and enjoyed spending time with her friends and family!
You are the Best! You have grown so much in the past year! You are such a joy to have in our family! You did so well in Kindergarten this year, learning and growing and trying your very best. I am so proud of you for that. You worked really hard and it really shows Macey! You help me at home, playing with Molly and sharing things with her. She is going to grow up looking up to you! You are such a great example to her and your older sisters as well! You are my very favorite Macey in the whole wide world! I am so glad that I am your Mommy and that you are my daughter! Always remember to be yourself and to always try to Choose The Right! You are such a sweet spirit and I am lucky you picked Dad and I to be able to raise you and help you throughout your life. I feel lucky Macey, so thank you! And Happy Birthday! I love you so much!
Love, Mom