The last week in July we were able to go to my mom's house in eastern Washington. It was a lot of fun, but it was one of the hottest weeks of my entire life-I'm not kidding! There were some days when the temp was well over 100 and my moms house is beautiful, but not air conditioned. I am happy though that my mom came and got us and that we were able to spend some time together this summer. We did a lot of fun things and I think the girls had a really great time. Sorry for all the pics, but I couldn't decide! And I just figured out how to put more then 5 pics on each post- so I went a little crazy!
Sophia eating her marshmallow after we made smores at my moms friends house, The Allen's. They were very nice and the girls loved playing hide and go seek in the dark a little later.
In my moms backyard they have a field where 2 donkeys and 1 horse live. They were very nice and ate carrots and apples right out of their hands!
First night there, we played out in the yard. The girls had a lot of fun out in the yard! We spent many hours out in the yard with the sprinklers on!
My Mom and Steve with the girls on our first night there! Enjoying the beautiful sunset!
Macey and Molly at The Children's Museum. Macey loved these outfits! She loved them a bunch when she found the first outfit and put it on- but when she found the second outfit for Molly she was on top of the world. It's kinda funny how silly things like this can really make your kids day. The outfits reminded me of Dr. Seuss and Thing 1 and Thing2!
Abby, Sophia and Macey in the Restaurant at The Children's Museum. They loved to take your order, get it ready and bring it to your table!
Macey ordering at the Restaurant
Molly and Daisy Mae, one of my Moms dogs. Molly just loved them and they were very patient with her and let her pet them and lay on them.
One of the many times my girls played out in the yard with the sprinklers on. They were in such a hurry to get out and play, some didn't even put their bathing suits on! Grandpa would turn them on for 40 minutes at a time, so I don't blame them for just running out there fully clothed! He was great about turning them on whenever we wanted to go play though, Thanks Grandpa!
When we lived in Cali (for the 1st time) we had sister missionaries in our ward that were amazing! I don't know why but there was one sister missionary that I completely felt a bond with. She is one amazing person! Well, after she left the mission and we moved we kinda lost contact. We found each other again just a few months ago on facebook. We found out this summer that when I was at my moms, she would be just a few hours north on her vacation. She was sweet enough, with her new husband, to come and visit us. What a sweet thing to do, right? We had a great visit-even though it was scorching hot! We caught up on our lives and just had such a good time catching up!
Molly at Saturdays Market at my moms booth sporting one of my Moms hats that she makes. My mom is really talented that way. She makes hats and half-gloves. Her booth is pretty amazing! I think my Mom should put this picture on her sign that she hangs over her booth!
Here is my mom and Abby at her booth at The Saturday Market.
Molly eating her smore minus the graham cracker and the marshmallow. So that just leaves chocolate, yup, that's all she ate! She threw the other stuff away-who needs that extra stuff anyway?
Abby with Sister Allen roasting marshmallows in the sweltering heat! Fun Fun! No-it really was one of our favorite nights there!
My Mom picked up this I don't even know how old highchair from a garage sale years ago(so she tells me). She had never taken it out and used it before, but it really worked so well for Molly while we were there. Molly really liked to be in it, and I could eat without having someone on my lap, very nice.
My Mom and Steve with the girls on our first night there! Enjoying the beautiful sunset!
We really had a great time at Grandmas house and can't wait to go back! Hopefully it won't be as HOT next time. Note to self-do not go to eastern Washington in the middle of the summer!
Thanks mom for a very fun week! Love you!
Looks like a lot of fun! Good job to take pictures! I always forget and then regret it when we get back. Good job to blog it so quickly!!! I am so far behind! I love Molly in the red cute!
Great pictures! Molly is looking so much older with her hair getting longer! We really miss you guys. I'm glad you are having fun!
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