Saturday, February 6, 2010

I'm Feeling A Bit Creative!

I know, crazy, that this is my second post today but I am feeling a bit creative today! I was reading my friend Jill's blog and she had a link to another blog(cause you do know I am a blog stalker!)and I found this super cute blog. You can go to Her blog is called Craftiness in not Optional. It is a very cute blog and if I knew the correct way to link her blog to mine I would totally do that, but I'm not that good yet! So, if you want to check it out you will just have to type in her blog address! So this is one thing that I found(out of many cute things)that I thought I wanted to try. She calls it The Ruffly Heart Shirt. She has a whole tutorial about how to make it and she gives you step by step instructions. It really is great. So, this is how mine turned out. I think pretty good for my first time! Now I just have to talk Macey into wearing it to church tomorrow with her little jean skirt, and her new hair clips(from the post below)! I can't wait!

I love it and can't wait to make more! Don't be surprised to see more of these! You know I do have 4 girls and wouldn't that be cute to have matching Valentine shirts! Oh, I can just see it now!


Jill said...

Okay so this is a project on my to do list too! I think it is soo cute! I have the fabric I just need to find the shirts! Good job it looks great!

Daniel Boyer said...
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Aleena said...

Very cute!