Friday, February 26, 2010

The Many Faces Of........SOPHIA!

She's doing The Robot

Man, I sure do LOVE this girl!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

The Many Faces Of........ABBY!

She sure does make me laugh! What a great daughter she is! I am so lucky to have her as my daughter!

Sisters Are The Best!

You probably think this post will be about my 4 lovely girls and how I hope they remain best friends and take care of each other forever, but it isn't. This post is dedicated to my lovely sister, Amy! I came upon this book that my sister, Amy gave to me about 3 years ago. I hadn't read it in a long time until tonight and I thought I would share. In the front cover my sister wrote me a little note, Sabra, I am so glad you are my sister! You have made my life a happier place. Thank you for always being there!I love you! Love your big sister Amy.

Sisters Understand Each other Because They Share The Same Roots
There is no one in the world like you
You are my friend
and my sister too.
You know the histories and stories of where our lives come from.
Together we share precious memories of the past...
and delight in whatever may come.
You are wise honest and true
I value your advice and opinions
and thank you for always being there to speak to.
I trust and count on you with all my heart...
even though we sometimes disagree, nothing could keep us apart.
Your smile and laughter are a comfort to me,
only you understand what is so very funny.
I love you for caring and believing in me
I am grateful we grow from the same family tree.
OK, aren't sisters the BEST? I am lucky to have 2 great sisters and 4 great daughters who I get to watch be great sisters to each other!

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Molly + Oatmeal = Big Mess!

Enough said! It was a big big mess, but at least she's so darn cute!

Images from Today.....

She fell asleep while playing with homemade play-doh, yep right there, sitting straight up in the chair!
Macey eating her yummy ice cream, only after I made her eat all of her dinner. Surprisingly enough, she was not the one who gave me a hard time about having to eat all of her dinner before ice cream! That one is the stinker pictured below!

Don't let that cute face trick you, I had such a hard time getting Sophia to eat her dinner even after she knew she could get some ice cream after it! Obviously from the above picture, she did get her ice cream, after she ate everything on her plate from dinner!

Molly enjoying her dessert

My sweet pre-teen Abby. I really can't believe how fast she is growing!

These next pictures are of Macey and Molly in their matching footed pajamas. Molly loves to be just like her big sister. They sure do make a great team. Macey takes such good care of her little sister. I do enjoying watching them play together!

I sure do love these little ones in my life. They keep things in perspective for me. Whats really important, and whats not. They teach me to be patient and loving. And when I show them those things, they show them right back, and I love when I see that! How blessed I am to be lucky enough to have such great little people in my life! I love you girls!

Saturday, February 6, 2010

I'm Feeling A Bit Creative!

I know, crazy, that this is my second post today but I am feeling a bit creative today! I was reading my friend Jill's blog and she had a link to another blog(cause you do know I am a blog stalker!)and I found this super cute blog. You can go to Her blog is called Craftiness in not Optional. It is a very cute blog and if I knew the correct way to link her blog to mine I would totally do that, but I'm not that good yet! So, if you want to check it out you will just have to type in her blog address! So this is one thing that I found(out of many cute things)that I thought I wanted to try. She calls it The Ruffly Heart Shirt. She has a whole tutorial about how to make it and she gives you step by step instructions. It really is great. So, this is how mine turned out. I think pretty good for my first time! Now I just have to talk Macey into wearing it to church tomorrow with her little jean skirt, and her new hair clips(from the post below)! I can't wait!

I love it and can't wait to make more! Don't be surprised to see more of these! You know I do have 4 girls and wouldn't that be cute to have matching Valentine shirts! Oh, I can just see it now!

My New Favorite Things....

So, these are my new favorite things, except for my family of course! Having 4 girls makes me a bow lover, just because! But, I think even if I didn't have girls I would be in love with these hair clips! Last night my friend Jill asked if I wanted to come over to her house to make hair clips after our kids went to bed. We made these hair clips and just visited with each other until midnight! What is funny about that is we had no idea it was that late! Time sure does fly by when you are having fun! Thanks so much Jill for inviting me over, I really had such a great time! Here are a few up close pictures of just some of the hair clips that we made.

They were so super easy, I was surprised at how fast they went. These types of hair clips are so much easier then the bows where you cook the ribbon,cut the ribbon and then glue the ribbon to the clip! Although I do love those bows too! The frame where I hung the hair clips is an old frame that I glued 3 rows of ribbon down the frame and then just clipped the hair clips to the ribbon. I think it turned out pretty cute! It was a great way to end a good day!

Friday, February 5, 2010

My Sweet Girls

So I just figured out how to do this with my picures! I hope you all enjoy! I only can do this sort of collage, I havn't figured out how to do any other kind. Any suggestions?

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