Thursday, March 17, 2011

Happy St. Patricks Day!

We started the day with some green eggs and ham, green pancakes and cereal with green milk! I tried to make them eat some oranges, but they didn't want to eat them. Probably because they were not green! Sweet Abby

Yummy green eggs and pancakes...

We had such a great morning! I hope everyone had a great morning! Don't forget to wear your green, I guess I better go get some green on myself!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

There are 4 new posts, so keep scrolling down....I guess I got the blogging bug back!

Fun and Tummyaches....

We had such a fun day today! It is conference week at the girls' school so they get out pretty early. They were all home before lunch today and I wanted to do something fun with them. We decided we wanted to go to the Jelly Belly Factory! We have been here plenty of times but it has been a few years and the girls thought it would be fun. Oh, we did have fun. The girls were so well behaved and really did a good job. During the tour the girls thought it would be fun to try to stay in the front of the tour group. It was hilarious to watch Macey try so hard to stay in the front. She didn't even want one of her sisters to get in front of her. She is a funny girl!
Of course we had to try the sample bar...wouldn't that be great to have one of those at our favorite restaurants? "Can I please try one of everything before I order"?

The girls right before the tour, in the very front of the whole tour group! Sophia thought that she wanted to try the hair net instead of the hat, too funny...

Here she is sporting her hair net! She wanted me to take her picture so she could see herself and what she looked like. I think she is pretty darn cute..

A picture of the girls in front of President Ronald Reagan made entirely by Jelly Belly's!
I am so glad that we got out today and had some fun! Sophia said on the way home, "We had a girls day today Mom. It was fun." I couldn't have said it better...
Too bad Molly went to bed tonight and said "Mom, I don't feel good". Let's hope it was just because she was over tired and not because she ate too much candy...we shall see. I am surprised she is the only one with a tummy ache. I think my girls ate enough sugar to last them forever!

One Room Schoolhouse

A few weeks ago Sophia got to go on a field trip with her class. They went to a one room schoolhouse. The teachers asked if the children could dress in clothes from the late 1800's. I had nothing that I thought would work. I made a few phone calls and found someone in the ward that let us borrow this whole outfit! It was perfect! And I think Sophia felt super special and beautiful in it! I just had to take a few pictures to remember this great outfit and thought I'd share. While I was taking her pictures she got a little idea that she wanted to spin while I took the pictures...

She really had such a great time!

Street Smarts Book Contest

I'm not sure if everyone knows this about Macey, but this girl loves to draw, paint, color, well anything that is artistic! Every night when I snuggle her and I am trying to talk to her about her day she is always coloring in a color book or cutting and pasting or drawing some cool design. Yes, she does this in bed. She has a little area next to her bed where she keeps all of her "stuff".

Well, about 2 months ago she brought home a paper that was blank with a letter explaining that there was going to be a contest. There was an author that had written a book about being smart when you are out riding your bike or out playing. He wanted the kids to illustrate the book for him. So, Macey did it! She sat down, picked out what page she wanted to illustrate and got to work! She didn't get picked for the book, but I am so proud of her that she even tried! We did get to go to a little ceremony where her artwork was on display and she got a ribbon!

Oh, I cannot tell you how proud I am of her! She is such a great girl and I love being her mom! She has since hung her artwork, ribbon and certificate on her wall, right by her bed. She is one proud girl! I love you Macey so much and I am so so proud of you!

Pictures from Sophias Day...

The day always begins with breakfast in bed....alwaysStill a little sleepy, it was pretty early...

My children have been asking for pillow pets for some time now and I just haven't gotten around to getting them for all 4 of them. So, Sophia was my first child to get one and you can see by the pics that she was so excited. I swear this girls has some funny faces!

I practically always make the same cake for my kids for their birthday and it really never changes. Every year I ask them what kind of cake they want and they always say the same thing as the year big deal, at least it's good!

Blowing out her (trick) candles...this was pretty cute.

The whole gang got into the mix and started helping her try to blow out the candles!
They eventually got the candles out, with a little help from Mom and Dad! I sure hope Sophia had such a great day, I think she did. I am so lucky to be her mom! I love you Sophia!

Monday, March 7, 2011

Happy Birthday Sophia...

(Picture taken by Sophia)
Today my sweet Sophia turned 9! I can hardly believe it. I feel a little older today. That's Ok though, I love it. I love being able to watch these adorable children grow up! Sophia is a super fun one too! She loves to sing and dance. She loves to help me in the kitchen. She loves to push her sisters buttons and then try to get away with it. Sometimes she does, cause she is just so cute! Lately Sophia has been working so hard to memorize her multiplication facts. She had a test the other day, 100 problems in 6 minutes. She missed 2! That's it! I am so proud of her! I love to see when hard work really pays off and I'm glad Sophia got to experience that first hand. She is a little piece of heaven here in our home. She asks questions like it no ones business! She wants to know more, all-the-time. I love it though! I love this little girl so much and feel super lucky to get to be her mom! Happy Birthday Sophia!
Dear Sophia,
What a fun year you have had! Last year you turned 8 and you were baptized by your daddy. This was a very special day and we are so proud of you! You finished up 2nd grade and started 3rd. You have had a few bumps along the way but you always try your best and strive to learn. I love that about you, you have a struggle and you just push right through it! We moved again this past year and I worried about you a lot. I hoped that you would find some good friends. I think that you are still working on that, but I'm sure with time that will come. You have made us laugh more then anyone in our family. Your smile is beautiful and I can't help but smile when I see you smile, even if I don't actually want to smile right then. You are creative and smart. You are genuine and sincere, I don't think you could be any different, even if you tried. Sophia, you are one sweet, special girl and I am blessed to know you and to be your mom. I hope you had the BEST day ever and that this year will bring you only happiness! Keep being you and you will be just fine! HAPPY BIRTHDAY SWEET SOPHIA!!
Love Forever, Mom

Friday, March 4, 2011

Not sure why I haven't blogged in over 2 months, it's sad really. I just wasn't feeling it and maybe I just needed a break. I am sad that I missed those 2 months on my blog and I am going to try to be better and get blogging again! It's not that I didn't take any pictures, I just didn't blog about them! So here I am trying to make up for lost time!

A few weeks ago while the big sisters were at school, Molly and I decided it would be fun to play with her play-doh. She had so much fun and I had fun just watching her! It's amazing how the simple things can make you so happy and so glad to be a mom!
Molly's Snowman..

And yes, she wears her "pretty dress" just about everyday! What's sad is that it actually tore at the seams a few days ago. I guess I need to break out my sewing machine! She does have more pretty dresses, it's just that this one is her favorite right now! It's amazing to me how big she is getting. My baby really is not a baby anymore! It's so much fun though just watching her, and all of my kids, grow and learn and become little people! They are all amazing and I am lucky to be their mom!