Saturday, January 1, 2011

My Sweet Sophia

Today as we were just relaxing around the house I noticed and found these little notes that Sophia has put up around the house. She is such a sweet soul. I swear there is something so special about her. I thought I should share...This is hanging on our fridge.
This picture is hanging on our craft table.

This evening Sophia ran up to Rodger and I and said that she had made us some books. These are just too sweet. Rodger was even pretty touched that she made it so personal.

She just did such a great job!

Here is the book she made for me...

(Mom loves perfume)

(apparently she knows that Rodger really loves football!)

Abby loves softball and Sophia loves dancing

I love Molly's animal!
I am so lucky to be Sophia's mom. She makes me smile and laugh everyday!


mom of six, nana of five said...

That is the cutest thing ever!! Love you! Come visit!!!

Aleena said...

Thanks for sharing - she is so sweet!