Friday, March 4, 2011

Not sure why I haven't blogged in over 2 months, it's sad really. I just wasn't feeling it and maybe I just needed a break. I am sad that I missed those 2 months on my blog and I am going to try to be better and get blogging again! It's not that I didn't take any pictures, I just didn't blog about them! So here I am trying to make up for lost time!

A few weeks ago while the big sisters were at school, Molly and I decided it would be fun to play with her play-doh. She had so much fun and I had fun just watching her! It's amazing how the simple things can make you so happy and so glad to be a mom!
Molly's Snowman..

And yes, she wears her "pretty dress" just about everyday! What's sad is that it actually tore at the seams a few days ago. I guess I need to break out my sewing machine! She does have more pretty dresses, it's just that this one is her favorite right now! It's amazing to me how big she is getting. My baby really is not a baby anymore! It's so much fun though just watching her, and all of my kids, grow and learn and become little people! They are all amazing and I am lucky to be their mom!

1 comment:


May I suggest to you a monthly recap? I started doing them on my blog over a year ago and I love that it forces me to go through the calendar and try to remember the little things from the month. It's also a great way to post random pictures.
Anyway... I sure miss you and your family. Tell Abby I say, "hi!" She really was so fun to have in class!! :)

Jenn Southworth