Friday, September 25, 2009

This Ones 4 You...Mom

Alright Mom, I did it! And I had fun doing it! Who would've ever thought that I could be handy enough to sew? Well, I did it! I am proud of myself! Yea me! A few weeks ago my mom was coming for a visit, I asked her if she had any old sewing machines that she would give me so that I could learn how to sew. Well, she brought me this sweet machine, she says it's old, but it basically looks brand new to me. I have been playing with it a little,but today Rodger needed me to make a few bean bags for when he is out officiating on the football field. Sooo, I had to go to JoAnn Fabrics to get some fabric and the beads to go inside. And only my mom, I think , knows how much I used to HATE JoAnn's. It wasn't so bad this time though, although I did have to bribe Molly with a huge bag of gummy bears so she would stay in the cart! We got through it and made it home in 1 piece. Then the sewing fun began!
The machine my Mom brought for me, Thanks Mom! I LOVE it!
Aren't those bean bags awesome?:)

My beautiful, or not so beautiful handy work. They aren't all that pretty but they work and it was fun!

Oh my gosh! Me behind a sewing machine-and smiling!

Look at those hands!

I am really concentrating hard! I was making a bean bag for heavens sake! Ha Ha!

My Mom also brought a bunch of fabric so I took the time to sew up the sides to make this pretty table cloth. I think it will be a good one for the seasons coming up!

The machine does close to 40 different stitches! So super cool!

Here it is, finished product. I like it!

Please do not look at how straight my lines may or may not be. I tried and it was my first try! I will get better!
Well, I really had a lot of fun today with my sewing machine! Thanks again Mom for such a sweet gift! Remember, I am making pillowcases for everyone this year for Christmas! Wish me luck!


Unknown said...

Look at you! How talented. That machine is sweet too!

Aleena said...

Great job Sabra! That's awesome!