Friday, May 18, 2012

Macey LOVES Karate

A few months ago we decided that Macey really needed something to do, you know, to keep her busy. Last year for Halloween Macey wanted to be a ninja. She found all of the clothes she needed and got it all put together. I should post a picture of that someday, it was pretty cute. She thought that as long as she was dressed in black clothing, she was a ninja! It made it pretty easy on me because I just ran down to the store, picked up a little ninja knife set that she wore on her back and there was a wonderful costume! So since then I have been thinking that maybe it might benefit Macey if we put her in a karate class. So a few months ago we started her off at 1 class a week but ended up doing unlimited classes, so she can take up to 7 classes a week! And the price difference is not that big. It has really worked out for us, made my life soo much busier, but has ended up being a huge blessing! Macey absolutely loves doing this! She works so hard in class to be the first in line, say "yes ma'am and yes sir" in a very loud voice and to make sure her kicks and punches are sharp and where they need to be. During the week she also takes sparring classes which she loves as well. In this class they actually pair the kids up and have them spare with each other. There have been times when Macey has had a partner who is much bigger then her, but she never shows fear or that she can't do it. She just tries her best, which is all we can ask for! She attends Christian Black Belt Academy where every belt testing, which is about every 6 weeks, they have to learn a scripture verse as well as all of their moves. I love that after every class they say a little prayer to help all of the students. It is just a great place to be and I feel we have been blessed by this great thing that has come into Maceys life! She is learning about respect, obedience, self disipline and self control. I just love it and hope to sometime soon to start her in some tournaments. She would totally rock it! Here are some pictures of her first belt testing a few weeks ago. Since then she has earned her orange belt. One last thing, they also do board breaking. They practice it during the week and then they do it in front of the parents at belt testing. It is awesome to watch and there are a few pictures of that as well. Enjoy...

One last thing I wanted to share was that Pastor Troy, the teacher and 6th degree black belt has 4 daughters as well. They are also teachers at CBBA and they teach Macey as well. His daughters are all 2nd, 3rd or 4th degree black belts! Its pretty cool to see a whole family work together and to get along so well. I really hope we can keep this up and to watch Macey just grow and become more confident!

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