Saturday, June 6, 2009

Can a Ladybug be your Best Friend?

Macey sure thinks that ladybugs can be your best friend! Afew days ago I was out cleaning up the back yard, Molly was sleeping and the older girls were at school, so it was just Macey and me! I saw a ladybug on a leaf and asked Macey to come and see it, well she didn't just come to see it, she picked it up and decided that it was going to be her friend for the afternoon! She walked right inside with it and thought it might want to play Play-doh with her. I thought she was just being funny at first, but she really did want to play with it! So, I thought I should drag the old camera out and take some super cute pictures! I know Macey had fun that afternoon, but I had just as much fun watching her! She is a blessing sent down from Heavenly Father! Oh, how I LOVE my macey girl! Macey with her new friend! Can you see it inside the christmas tree cookie cutter? She thought it might be better if we kept it inside it, but I soon talked her out of it!
Macey and her new friend! Look at that sweet little hand!

Macey enjoying watching the ladybug crawl on her Barbie cookie cutter

I wonder what the poor ladybug was thinking right about now? Sweet picture anyway!

The ladybug actually ON the play-doh!
Don't worry, no ladybugs were harmed during our little photo shoot! Macey and I had a great afternoon together, and I think the ladybug was more than a little relieved when we let it go in our backyard! I told Macey that it needed to go be with its mom. She bought it, and let it go!

1 comment:

Aleena said...

Lea, Jonah, and I really miss Macey looking at these pictures! We love you Macey!