Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Fun and Tummyaches....

We had such a fun day today! It is conference week at the girls' school so they get out pretty early. They were all home before lunch today and I wanted to do something fun with them. We decided we wanted to go to the Jelly Belly Factory! We have been here plenty of times but it has been a few years and the girls thought it would be fun. Oh, we did have fun. The girls were so well behaved and really did a good job. During the tour the girls thought it would be fun to try to stay in the front of the tour group. It was hilarious to watch Macey try so hard to stay in the front. She didn't even want one of her sisters to get in front of her. She is a funny girl!
Of course we had to try the sample bar...wouldn't that be great to have one of those at our favorite restaurants? "Can I please try one of everything before I order"?

The girls right before the tour, in the very front of the whole tour group! Sophia thought that she wanted to try the hair net instead of the hat, too funny...

Here she is sporting her hair net! She wanted me to take her picture so she could see herself and what she looked like. I think she is pretty darn cute..

A picture of the girls in front of President Ronald Reagan made entirely by Jelly Belly's!
I am so glad that we got out today and had some fun! Sophia said on the way home, "We had a girls day today Mom. It was fun." I couldn't have said it better...
Too bad Molly went to bed tonight and said "Mom, I don't feel good". Let's hope it was just because she was over tired and not because she ate too much candy...we shall see. I am surprised she is the only one with a tummy ache. I think my girls ate enough sugar to last them forever!

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